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We hope that you’re enjoying using the features of this website and are not experiencing any problems. We are currently working on improving the accessibility of the site.
If you do have difficulty viewing the site the following may help to resolve your issues. If you are still experiencing problems please let us know by email.

Enable Javascript on your browser or phone

Some parts of the site including elements on the home page, training pages, news and find a helpline rely on javascript to work. If your device supports javascript we recommend that you turn this on when viewing this site. You can turn on javascript by following these simple instructions. More in-depth instructions with screenshots for enabling javascript on most browsers are available here.


Browsealoud is a speech enabling program that makes web content more accessible to anyone with difficulties reading. Simply by hovering your mouse pointer over an area of text, Browsealoud will read that text out loud. Browsealoud not only speech enables the website content, it will also speak out loud the menus and hyperlinks, helping you navigate the website more easily. All you have to do to take advantage of this service, is download the free Browsealoud programme

Other accessibility resources

BBC Webwise

The BBC Webwise site includes advice and tips for new internet users.

BBC Accessibility

The BBC Accessibility site explains how you can change your browser, computer, keyboard and mouse setting.

Microsoft Accessibility

This site contains information about accessibility technology, and tutorials to help make the computer easier to see, hear and use.