Callers expect helplines to provide confidential, high quality and affordable ways to access them. Ideally they should offer a variety of contact channels so that callers have a choice depending on their circumstances.
We have worked with helpline telecoms specialists and the regulator, Ofcom to develop a range of solutions specific to the needs of helplines. We also lobby to protect the interests of helplines in the face of regulatory changes and other external factors.

Payphone Access Charge
BT waives the Payphone Access Charge (PAC) for Helplines Partnership members in the voluntary sector who operate their helplines on free to caller numbers. …

Helpline Freephone Range
Helplines Partnership (HLP) offers a dedicated range of freephone numbers that are exclusively available for helplines. HLP is authorised by Ofcom to operat…

Telecom Services
As a member of Helplines Partnership, we invite you to use The Phone Co-op for your phones, mobiles and broadband. They are the UK’s only telecoms co-operat…

Virtual Call Centre
Sophisticated Inbound Solutions Bespoke cloud based service provides a flexible and reliable solution for handling calls enabling helpline workers to log on…

Helplines Partnership works with LanguageLine Solutions to offer helplines and charities access to over 200 languages – 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. Mem…