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What we offer

What we offer

With over 22 years of knowledge and expertise in the helplines sector, we can support you with any aspect of helpline-related work whether you are looking to review or develop part of your service.

Below are some examples of what can be covered by our consultancy work. Each consultancy project would be costed individually based on length, complexity and each organisation’s different requirements.

To enquire about a piece of consultancy work for your organisation, please get in touch with our team at

  • What we offer: We can write all tailored service policies from scratch. This is of particular use if setting up a helpline. Typically, best-practice guidance would suggest the following policies: Code of conduct for staff and volunteers, Safer recruitment, Safeguarding including suicide pathway, Confidentiality, Feedback including managing complaints, Information and data protection and contact handling including challenging and repeat callers.
  • How we work: We would write all best-practice guidance, develop policies and procedures, and leave sections open for your input.
  • Input required from you: We would ask you to add comments to all policies as they are working documents. We would require them back before final sign-off. We would need access to any relevant organisational documents or input from relevant staff.
  • Duration: For all of the above, 9 days

  • What we offer: Review and recommend changes to policies and procedures to include legislation and statutory guidance, and in line with legal requirements and safer working practices, examples include: Safeguarding (to include creation of Responding to suicidal callers flowchart), Feedback and complaints process, Information and Data Protection, Contact handling plans including challenging and repeat callers and Risk Register.
  • How we work: We would review all policy documents, and add comments to ensure best practise guidance. We will ask for your input and include before final sign off.
  • Input required from you: We would ask you submit all documents for review. We would use track changes to ask for clarification, and to suggest best-practice changes needed. We would then edit for final sign off.
  • Duration: Dependent on need

  • What we offer: Preparation and facilitation of onsite workshop for frontline teams around service delivery or for senior managers around strategy. Sample topics: organisational values and service remit, user profile and journey, creating a theory of change, operational efficiencies, staff support, monitoring & evaluation of service
  • How we work: Starting from your needs and required outcomes, we agree a tailored half or full-day workshop programme and timescales with you, prepare all materials and facilitate on the day. Additional options include write up of outcomes, production of summary report with recommendations, follow-up meeting.
  • Input required from you: We would need from you one or more online meetings initially to scope the work, the sight of any relevant organisational documents e.g., policies, input from relevant staff and for you to arrange a suitable venue (if onsite), AV, flipchart, any refreshments and internal arrangements for your team to attend. We would need access to any relevant organisational documents or input from relevant staff.
  • Duration: Each project varies but a half-day workshop, plus preparation, additional write-up and summary report may take 3-4 days’ work (non-consecutive).
  • Costs: We offer a free initial discussion on a no-commitment basis. Each project is then costed according to complexity, duration and the organisation’s needs.

  • What we offer: Service review for a helpline or support service, either covering specific areas of need, or a general review of core areas. These can include organisational values and service remit, policies, helpline channels, staffing recruitment, induction and training, staffing models, resources and systems, support and managerial structures, safe working practices and safeguarding, quality assurance, monitoring and evaluation of service.
    How we work: Starting from your needs and required outcomes, we agree a tailored proposal and timescales with you, identifying personnel input and preparatory work required. We may offer onsite workshops, focus groups or meetings, as needed.
  • Input required from you: We would need from you one or more online meetings initially to scope the work, the sight of any relevant organisational documents e.g., policies, input from relevant staff and for any onsite meetings we would require you to arrange a suitable venue, AV, flipchart, any refreshments and internal arrangements for your team to attend. We would need access to any relevant organisational documents or input from relevant staff.
  • Duration: Each project varies but a comprehensive service review may take from 10 days’ work (non-consecutive).
  • Costs: We offer a free initial discussion on a no-commitment basis. Each project is then costed according to complexity, duration and the organisation’s needs, and some may be costed as a package rather than by a day-rate.

Rates from 1st April 2024:

Day rate - Member £787 +VAT

Day rate Non-member £1,312 +VAT

Please note that larger or packaged consultancy projects are costed at a bespoke rate.

Rewards for Helplines Partnership members

Helplines Partnership members save 40% on all our consultancy fees as a benefit of their membership.

Members can also save an additional 15% in their third year of membership for any consultancy work undertaken during that year.