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News and blog

Keep up to date with what we are doing at Helplines Partnership and news related to the helplines sector.


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Three reasons why the Census is important to charities and support workers

At the end of June the National Office of Statistics published data and analysis from the 2021 Census. Here are three reasons why the regular census is important to charities and support workers.

AI and machine learning for helplines

Advice Direct Scotland provides free and independent advice to the citizens of Scotland. Conor Forbes, Creative Lead, explains how as an organisation they use artificial intelligence (AI) to support the work of their helpline service’s contact channels.

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Coronavirus message from CEO Paula Ojok

Our member, GlobalARRK, is the only charity that specialises in supporting stuck parents worldwide. They talked to us about their work and the support they provide.

Real talk - conversations that save lives

We were joined at our 2019 Conference by Stella Comber and Alex Harvey, from Grassroots, who hosted the seminar ‘Reducing the numbers – Real Talk – suicide prevention awareness’.

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Helplines Partnership in action - introducing a webchat on a women's aid helpline

One of the benefits of Helplines Partnership membership is being able to tap into the knowledge and experience of your fellow members.

A new social contract for a mentally healthier society

We’re proud to be part of a major coalition that has written to the Prime Minister, Boris Johnson, calling on the government to work with us to establish a Mental Health Renewal plan in response to Covid-19.

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Melanoma Awareness Month

May is Melanoma Awareness month and our member, Melanoma Focus, talk about the support, advice and information their helpline can offer and the importance of talking to your GP if you are worried about a mole or lesion.

Antibiotic Research UK

We talked to our member Antibiotic Research UK to find out more about their work, the importance of effective antibiotics that work, the danger and implications of antibiotic resistance and the support they offer people through the charity’s helpline.

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The impact of Covid-19 on helplines

Over the past three months, from April to June, we have asked Helplines Partnership members about the impact of Covid-19 on their organisation and service. We've produced a short summary report with some of the qualitative and quantitative data we've gathered over the last three months.

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Helplines Partnership co-host Charity Hour

On 5 August Helplines Partnership co-hosted with Harrison Mann’s Tahera Mayat to talk about the work of helplines.

Safer ageing - stopping abuse

October 1 marks International Day of Older Persons. We spoke to our member Hourglass to find out more about their work and the support they offer older people.

10 things I've learned about working with volunteers during Covid-19

We talked to Clare Derry, Helpline Volunteer Coordinator, at our member Refuge about her work for the National Domestic Abuse Helpline (NDAH), a role she started in April 2020. She shares what she has learned.